Create a mercurial mirror of an svn branch
#Create a mercurial mirror of a branch in an svn repository
#This scripts requires that the commands svn and hg be present
#in the path.
#To create a new mirror
# python init svn_url mirror_location
#To update the mirror
# python update mirror_location
# Changes
# 23-Jan-2009 Updated to working version.
import commands
import re
import os
hgignore= """syntax: regexp
def getRevisions(svn_url, frm=1):
s = commands.getoutput('svn -r%s:HEAD log %s' % (frm, svn_url))
return re.findall('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'+
'r(\d+) [|] \w+ [|] ', s)
def createFile(filename, content):
f = file(filename, 'w')
def init(svn_url, dest):
commands.getoutput('svn co -r1 %s %s' % (svn_url, dest))
commands.getoutput('hg init %s' % dest)
createFile(os.path.join(dest, '.hgignore'), hgignore)
def parseLog(log):
(rev, commiter, date, lines) =
'r(\d+) [|] (\w+) [|] ([^(]+)[^|]+[|] (\d+) line[s]?\n', log).groups()
message = "%s\n\nSvn Revision %s" % (
return (rev, commiter, date, message)
def parseInfo(info):
return dict(re.findall("(\w+): (.*)", info))
def commitRevs(svn_url, dest, frm):
revs = getRevisions(svn_url, frm)[1:]
for rev in revs:
print "Commiting revision %s" % rev
commands.getoutput('svn update -r%s %s' % (rev, dest))
logMsg = commands.getoutput('svn log -rCOMMITTED %s' % dest)
(rev, commiter, date, message) = parseLog(logMsg)
commitmessagepath = os.path.join(dest, '.commitmessage')
createFile(commitmessagepath, message)
commands.getoutput("hg commit -A -l %s -d '%s' -u %s %s" %
(commitmessagepath, date, commiter, dest))
def main():
import sys
if sys.argv[1]=='init':
svn_url = sys.argv[2]
dest = sys.argv[3]
init(svn_url, dest)
commitRevs(svn_url, dest, 1)
elif sys.argv[1]=='update':
dest = sys.argv[2]
info = parseInfo(commands.getoutput('svn info %s' % dest))
rev = info['Revision']
svn_url = info['URL']
commitRevs(svn_url, dest, rev)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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