Records and pattern matching
##"record" is an implementation of a simple record
##type constructor for records with labeled fields.
##The record types will be subclasses of "tuple".
##"match" is a pattern matcher for matching patterns
##of complex record structures to a record object and
##binding elements in the matched structure to parameters
##in a handler function.
##from record import record, match, sym
##tree = record(sym.tree, sym.left, sym.right)
##def flatten(t):
## return (match(t).
## case(tree(sym.left, sym.right),
## lambda left, right: flatten(left)+flatten(right)).
## case(sym.leaf, lambda leaf: [leaf])
## ())
##t = tree(tree(1, tree(2, 4)), 3)
##print flatten(t)
##[1, 2, 4, 3]
class symbol(object):
Symbols for place holders for pattern matching
syms = {}
def __new__(kls, name):
if name in symbol.syms:
return symbol.syms[name]
o = object.__new__(kls)
symbol.syms[name] = o
return o
def __init__(self, name): = name
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
class _symbol(object):
def __getattribute__(self, name):
return symbol(name)
sym = _symbol()
def record(name, *labels):
Construct a record type. Records are subclasses of tuple:
<new record class> = record(name, label1, ...)
user = record(sym.user,, sym.password)
ram = user(name="ram", password="*****")
shyam = user("shyam", "*")
print "ram's name = ",
name, password = ram
labels = [str(label) for label in labels]
name = str(name)
def new(kls, *labels):
return tuple.__new__(kls, labels)
def __str__(self):
return "%s(%s)" % (name,
", ".join(("%s=%s"%(label, val)
for label, val
in zip(labels, self))))
d = {"__new__":new,
exec ("""def __init__(self, %s):pass""" %
", ".join(labels)) in d
for i in range(len(labels)):
d[labels[i]] = (lambda i:
property(lambda self:
return type(name, (tuple,), d)
def _combine(obj, pattern):
if isinstance(pattern, symbol):
return [(str(pattern), obj)]
elif isinstance(pattern, tuple) and type(obj)==type(pattern):
return sum((_combine(o, p) for o, p in zip(obj, pattern)), [])
elif pattern == obj:
return []
return False
class MatchFailed(Exception):pass
class match(object):
Match the given object and do some actions
def __init__(self, obj):
self.obj = obj
self.matchers = []
def onDefault(obj):
raise MatchFailed
self._onDefault = onDefault
def case(self, pattern, onMatch):
Add a match case.
The match case matches a pattern to an action
self.matchers.append((pattern, onMatch))
return self
def default(self, onDefault):
Set a default handler if all matches fail.
The handler must accept one parameter which
will be the match object.
self._onDefault = onDefault
def __call__(self):
Execute the match
for pattern, onMatch in self.matchers:
c = _combine(self.obj, pattern)
if c!=False:
return onMatch(**dict(c))